KYMN has served the Northfield, Minnesota community since 1968, providing an eclectic mix of programs, including community news, Raider sports, and music. Today, KYMN continues that tradition with programs that share the voices of the community from around Northfield. Tune in each day for community interviews from city hall, to the local schools, businesses, non-profits, and any other community leaders. Also, each day, receives a 5-minute newscast of local news headlines.
Latest Episodes
Logan Wells Recaps the 3/11/2025 Northfield City Council Meeting
KYMN’s Logan Wells discusses last night’s Northfield City Council meeting. Topics include the city’s Environmental Scan (review of city operations), as well as results...
Daily News 3/12/2025: Annual Police Report Shows Decrease in Crime in Northfield from 2020 to 2024; Increase in the Number of Traffic Stops & Citations in 2024
The news from Northfield, Minnesota on Wednesday, March 12th, 2025: Annual Police Report Shows Decrease in Crime in Northfield from 2020 to 2024; Increase in the Numbe...
Dundas City Administrator Jenelle Teppen, 3-11-25
Dundas City Administrator Jenelle Teppen discusses the March 10 City Council meeting.
Superintendent Dr. Matt Hillmann discusses Day at the Capitol, potential budget reductions 3-11-25
Northfield Superintendent Dr. Matt Hillmann recognizes several student honorees, discusses Day at the Capitol, and reviews potential budget reduction recommendations ...
Daily News 3/11/2025: Body of local ice fisherman recovered from Cannon Lake, Northfield Area Fire And Rescue Preparing for Insurance Review This Year, & Northfield City Council Meets Tonight For A Work Session To Discuss The Strategic Plan
The news from Northfield, Minnesota on Tuesday, March 11th, 2025:Body of local ice fisherman recovered from Cannon LakeNorthfield Area Fire And Rescue Preparing for In...