All Episodes
Craig Swenson discusses upcoming events at FiftyNorth
Assistant Director of FiftyNorth Craig Swenson updates on upcoming Summer events.
Rice County Sheriff Jesse Thomas, 8-1-24
Rice County Sheriff Jesse Thomas talks the recent Rice County Fair, updates on the new Rice County Jail facility, and more.
Mayor Rhonda Pownell and Randy Yoder discuss the redevelopment of 5th Street & Washington intersection
Mayor Rhonda Pownell and Economic Development Authority President Randy Yoder go over the most recent EDA meeting, where topics included the 5th Street & Washington in...
Superintendent Dr. Matt Hillmann and Hope Langston discuss Mathematics curriculum changes
Superintendent Dr. Matt Hillmann and Director of Instructional Services Hope Langston go over the new Mathematics curriculum program, Bridges in Mathematics, being imp...
Betsy Buckheit discusses Northfield Comprehensive Plan
Chair of the Comprehensive Plan Committee Betsy Buckheit talks updates on the new Comprehensive Plan through 2045.
Anika Rychner and Natalie Draper discuss the Community Action Center's Runway Revival
Senior Director of the Community Action Center Anika Rychner and Director of the Northfield Public Library Natalie Draper discuss the Runway Revival event at the Weit...
Dean Lampe and Joy Riggs discuss this weekend's Vintage Band Festival
Vintage Band Festival 2024 organizers Dean Lampe and Joy Riggs preview this weekend's event, happening this Friday night and all day Saturday in Bridge Square.
Northfield Fire Chief Tom Nelson, 7-25-24
Northfield Area Fire & Rescue Fire Chief Tom Nelson previews today's Joint Powers Board meeting including the budget, the potential sale of an ambulance and the purch...
Rhonda Pownell and Jacob Reister discuss Sweet Spokes
Mayor of Northfield Rhonda Pownell and Sweet Spokes founder Jacob Reister discuss Reister's new business venture.
Krin Finger introduces new Rare Pair owners Beret Froehle and Chrissy Neuger
Current owner of The Rare Pair Krin Finger discusses her upcoming retirement and introduces new owners Beret Froehle and Chrissy Neuger.
Dundas City Administrator Jenelle Teppen, 7-23-24
Dundas City Administrator Jenelle Teppen discusses the Dundas capital improvement plan among other updates.
Superintendent Dr. Matt Hillmann talks latest school board events
Superintendent of Northfield Public Schools Dr. Matt Hillmann discusses school board updates and other upcoming events.
Paul Reiland discusses upcoming block party in Elko New Market
Paul Reiland from Johnson-Reiland Homes discusses tomorrow night's block party at Pete's Hill in Elko New Market.
CC Lindsroth discusses Age Friendly Northfield's recent Street Dance and upcoming events
CC Lindsroth of the Age Friendly Northfield Steering Committee recaps the organization's recent Street Dance event, and talks about other local upcoming events.
Northfield Police Chief Mark Elliott and Pastor Dean Swenson discuss Picnic in the Park
Northfield Police Chief Mark Elliott and Pastor Dean Swenson from Hosanna Church discuss the upcoming Picnic in the Park on Monday, July 22nd supporting local first re...