Jeff Johnson
Jeff Johnson is the owner of KYMN Radio and the Host of The Morning Show.Appears in 815 Episodes
The Morning Show - Northfield Mayor Rhonda Pownell and Finance Director Brenda Angelstad discuss city budget health, 8-30-23
Northfield Mayor Rhonda Pownell and Finance Director Brenda Angelstad talk about the city's budget, audit, bond rating, and more.
The Morning Show - Dundas City Administrator Jenelle Teppen, 8-29-23
Dundas City Administrator Jenelle Teppen talks the August 28 City Council meeting including a new business, Tractor Supply, that will begin building soon on Schilling ...
The Morning Show - Northfield Superintendent Dr. Matt Hillmann, 8-29-23
Northfield School Superintendent Dr. Matt Hillmann discusses staff milestones and awards, return of Noel Stratmoen to the School Board, teacher contract settlement, an...
The Morning Show -Tim Freeland discusses DJJD Horseshoe Hunt, 8-28-23
Tim Freeland, Event Chair for the Defeat of Jesse James Days Horseshoe Hunt, talks about the annual event. The prize this year will be $2,075 if DJJD button has been ...
The Morning Show - Sandy Malecha, Ellen Iverson and Meleah Follen discuss Healthy Community Initiative, 8-25-23
New Healthy Community Initiative (HCI) Executive Director Sandy Malecha, Board Co-Chair Ellen Iverson, and Youth Engagement/NCCC Director Meleah Follen talk about the...
The Morning Show - Jeff Silkey, 8-25-23
Jeff Silkey, organizer of the 3rd annual Bald Eagle Posse Roundup, talks about the age 50+ baseball tournament this weekend at Sechler Park that will include a team fr...
The Morning Show - Tim McKone on Cycling without Age Program, 8-24-23
Tim McKone talks about the Cycling Without Age Program that has begun in Northfield. The program provides an opportunity for elderly people with limited mobility a cha...
The Morning Show - Northfield Fire Chief Tom Nelson and Police Sergeant Kevin Tussing, 8-24-23
Northfield Area Fire Chief Tom Nelson and Police Sergeant Kevin Tussing talk about new 'Opticons' installed on top of traffic lights to allow police and emergency vehi...
The Morning Show - Northfield Mayor Rhonda Pownell and Ben Martig, 8-22-23
Northfield Mayor Rhonda Pownell and City Administrator Ben Martig talk about the August 21 City Council meeting. Topics include bonding for city projects, lawsuit file...
The Morning Show - Vicki Dilley, Brent Nystrom, Brad Frago and Mike Ludwig discuss Rotary Bike Tour,8-21-23
Vicki Dilley, Brent Nystrom, and Brad Frago of the Northfield Rotary Club and Mike Ludwig of the Dundas Dukes talk about the Defeat of Jesse James Rotary Bike Tour on...
The Morning Show - David Legvold, 8-18-23
Local farmer David Legvold talks about his upcoming presentations relating to agriculture at the State Fair on August 26 and August 29.
The Morning Show - Northfield Police Chief Mark Elliott, 8-17-23
Northfield Police Chief Mark Elliott reminds people to watch for children as the first day of school is coming soon and discusses police preparation for the school ye...
The Morning Show - 2023 Northfield Shares an Evening of Entertainment - LIVE!, 8-16-23
Carrie Carroll and Kari Freund Johnson of Northfield Shares and Rich Larson discuss the fundraiser, 2023 Northfield Shares an Evening of Entertainment - LIVE! schedul...
The Morning Show - Northfield City Administrator Ben Martig, 8-16-23
Northfield City Administrator Ben Martig talks about the August 15 City Council Work Session relating to portions of the budget and tax levy.
The Morning Show - Sean Allen and Sullivan Labno on "Outhouse Archeology", 8-15-23
Northfield Historical Society Executive Director Sean Allen introduces recent high school grad Sullivan Labno who has undertaken a project to dig into old outhouse si...
The Morning Show - Northfield Superintendent Dr. Matt Hillmann, 8-15-23
Northfield School Superintendent Dr. Matt Hillmann discusses the August 14 School Board meeting. Topics include continuous improvement plans, e-learning, grant writin...
The Morning Show - Anika Rychner and Cassie Meza on Runway Revival Fashion Show, 8-11-23
Anika Rychner and Cassie Meza of the Northfield Community Action Center provide information about the fundraiser Runway Revival Fashion Show on August 24, "Celebratin...
Galen Malecha, Tim Freeland and Sandy Vesledahl discuss 75th Anniversary Defeat of Jesse James Days events, 8-10-23
This year will be the 75th anniversary of the Defeat of Jesse James Days celebration and DJJD chair Galen Malecha and members Tim Freeland and Sandy Valek provide info...
The Morning Show - Vicki Dilley, Neil Kennedy, Jennifer Tonko - Rotary Bike Tour, 8-9-23
Vicki Dilley, Neil Kennedy and Jennifer Tonko provide information about the Northfield Rotary Bike Tour to be held September 9 and focus on one of the ride options: t...
The Morning Show - Mayor Rhonda Pownell and Ben Martig review August 8 Northfield City Council meeting, 8-9-23
Northfield Mayor Rhonda Pownell and City Administrator Ben Martig review the August 8 City Council meeting. Topics include city rebranding, bonding for utilities, was...
The Morning Show - Northfield Hospital & Clinics CEO Steve Underdahl, 8-8-23
Steve Underdahl, CEO of Northfield Hospital & Clinics, talks about plans to close the long-term care center due to costs and staffing shortages.
The Morning Show - Tracy Davis Heisler, 8-7-23
Tracy Davis Heisler, Northfield Planning Commission member and recipient of the 2023 Board & Commissioner Member Excellence Award, talks about the importance of getti...
The Morning Show - Natalie Draper of Northfield Public Library, 8-4-23
Natalie Draper of the Northfield Public Library provides information on new talking books, services and programs at the library.
The Morning Show - Mark Langer talks about Dakota County Fair, 8-4-23
Mark Langer provides information about events and attractions at the Dakota County Fair, August 7-13. For more details, visit dakotacountyfair.org
The Morning Show - Craig Swenson of FiftyNorth, 8-3-23
Craig Swenson of FiftyNorth provides information about upcoming programs, activities and events at FiftyNorth, including a fundraiser on August 23 for upgrades to the...
The Morning Show - Attorney David Ludescher, 8-3-23
Local attorney David Ludescher discusses a lawsuit served against Mayor Rhonda Pownell and City Clerk Lynette Peterson relating to the record of a vote by the City Co...
The Morning Show - Laura Stelter of Arcadia Charter School, 8-2-23
Laura Stelter, Executive Director of Arcadia Charter School, talks about a recent field trip to Japan and the 20th anniversary celebration to be held on Tuesday, Augu...
The Morning Show - Northfield Police Chief Mark Elliott and EMS Operations Supervisor Melissa DeGroot, 8-2-23
Northfield Police Chief Mark Elliott and EMS Operations Supervisor Melissa DeGroot talk about last night's 'Nite to Unite', an event that provides an opportunity for ...