Jeff Johnson
Jeff Johnson is the owner of KYMN Radio and the Host of The Morning Show.Appears in 815 Episodes
The Morning Show - Emmaus Pastor Abe Johnson and Rob Ryden, 2-9-23
Pastor Abe Johnson and Rob Ryden of Emmaus Church talk about the Human Rights Award presented this year to Emmaus by the City of Northfield.
The Morning Show - Bill North and Angelica Linder, 2-9-23
Bill North and Angelica Linder provide information about the Latin Dance Party scheduled for Saturday evening, February 11, 7-10 pm, at the Armory Square Event Center....
The Morning Show - Sandy Gerdes of Laura Baker Services Ass'n, 2-8-23
Sandy Gerdes, Executive Director of Laura Baker Services Association, discusses a wage increase in order to attract and retain adequate staffing, and the need to lobby...
The Morning Show - Northfield Mayor Rhonda Pownell and City Administrator Ben Martig, 2-8-23
Northfield Mayor Rhonda Pownell and City Administrator Ben Martig discuss the February 7 City Council meeting.
The Morning Show - Sam Temple of Northfield Public Broadcasting, 2-7-23
NPB Executive Director Sam Temple provides information about programs available or upcoming on Northfield Public Broadcasting.
The Morning Show - Northfield Superintendent Dr. Matt Hillmann and Alisha Clarey, 2-7-23
Northfield School Superintendent Dr. Matt Hillmann and Instructional Coach Alisha Clarey discuss the school district's reading programs and the importance of reading s...
The Morning Show - Cait Kelley on Podcast Series 'Not Mobile', 2-6-23
Investigative journalist and former KYMN Intern Cait Kelley talks about her ongoing Not Mobile podcast series, relating to issues being experienced by Viking Terrace a...
The Morning Show - Northfield Public Library Director Natalie Draper, 2-3-23
Northfield Public Library Director Natalie Draper describes upcoming events and activities at the library.
The Morning Show - Representative Kristi Pursell, 2-3-23
Representative Kristi Pursell provides a legislative update including the passage of the Carbon-free Energy Bill by 2040 by the House and Senate, the passage of the Re...
The Morning Show - Craig Swenson of FiftyNorth, 2-2-23
Craig Swenson, Assistant Director and Fitness Coordinator at FiftyNorth provides information about upcoming events and activities, including refurbishing the famous po...
The Morning Show - Rice County Sheriff Jesse Thomas, 2-2-23
Rice County Sheriff Jesse Thomas discusses ice and snowmobile safety and the need to hire additional corrections staff.
The Morning Show - Northfield Mayor Rhonda Pownell and Horticulturist Shelley Evanson, 2-1-23
Northfield Mayor Rhonda Pownell and new city horticulturist Shelley Evanson talk about the horticulture needs in Northfield.
The Morning Show - Susan Stout and Han Fuchs-Aldrich discuss Ruth's House Helping Hearts Fundraiser, 1-30-23
Susan Stout, Ruth's House Outreach Coordinator, and Han Fuchs-Aldrich of the Board of Directors, discuss the Ruth’s House 20th Annual Helping Hearts event that will be...
The Morning Show - Representative Kristi Pursell, 1-27-23
State Representative Kristi Pursell provides a legislative update and discusses the clean energy bill.
The Morning Show - Paul Reiland and Bob Thacker of Age-Friendly Northfield, 1-26-23
Paul Reiland of Johnson-Reiland Builders & Remodelers and Bob Thacker discuss resources to design safe and accessible homes for seniors, as well as Age-Friendly Northf...
The Morning Show - NAFRS Fire Chief Tom Nelson and Board Chair Brad Ness, 1-26-23
Northfield Area Fire & Rescue (NAFRS) Fire Chief Tom Nelson and new Board Chair Brad Ness talk about new Board members and Nelson's new role as a full-time chief.
The Morning Show - Northfield Mayor Rhonda Pownell and consultant Bruce Jacobson, 1-25-23
Northfield Mayor Rhonda Pownell and consultant Bruce Jacobson discuss the Riverfront Enhancement Action Plan. Bruce Jacobson and Bob Close are consultants to the City...
The Morning Show - Dundas City Administrator Jenelle Teppen, 1-24-23
Dundas City Administrator Jenelle Teppen discusses the January 23 City Council meeting.
The Morning Show - Northfield Superintendent Dr. Matt Hillmann, 1-24-23
Northfield School Superintendent Dr. Matt Hillmann discusses the January 23 School Board meeting. The School Board reviewed the financial forecast which will require ...
The Morning Show - District 58A Representative Kristi Pursell, 1-20-23
District 58A Representative Kristi Pursell discusses the PRO Act (Protect Reproductive Options) that passed at the MN legislature last evening, and other legislative a...
The Morning Show - Northfield Mayor Rhonda Pownell and Ben Martig, 1-18-23
Northfield Mayor Rhonda Pownell and City Administrator Ben Martig talk about the January 17 City Council Meeting.
The Morning Show - Northfield Area Chamber of President Jane Bartho, 1-17-23
Northfield Area Chamber of Commerce President Jane Bartho talks about the businesses and individuals that will be honored at the Annual Business Awards Banquet to be h...
Musician Talk with Minneapolis-based Musician Ben Howe, 1-15-23
Host Pauline Jennings talks with Minneapolis-based accomplished musician and artist Ben Howe. Ben began his musical journey at the age of 4.
The Morning Show - Representative Kristi Pursell, 1-13-23
District 58A Representative Kristi Pursell provides an update of the week's legislative activities.
The Morning Show - Don Pavek on Red Kettle program, 1-12-23
Don Pavek summarizes the Rice County Salvation Army counter Red Kettle Campaign.
The Morning Show - Northfield EMS Chief Brian Edwards, 1-12-23
Brian Edwards, Northfield Hospital Chief of Emergency Medical Services, discusses the recent training provided for members of law enforcement, EMS, and fire department...
The Morning Show - Dundas City Administrator Jenelle Teppen, 1-10-23
Dundas City Administrator Jenelle Teppen reviews the January 9 City Council meeting. Topics include plans for an addition to Bridgewater Town Hall, the hiring of two ...
The Morning Show - Northfield Superintendent Dr. Matt Hillmann, 1-10-23
Northfield School Superintendent Dr. Matt Hillmann discusses the appointment of interim school board member Robert Coleman and reviews the January 9 School Board meeti...