Jeff Johnson
Jeff Johnson is the owner of KYMN Radio and the Host of The Morning Show.Appears in 815 Episodes
The Morning Show - Northfield Police Chief Mark Elliott, 10-20-22
Northfield Police Chief Mark Elliott discusses a statistical report that informs the community about the types of calls received by the police department, how it compa...
The Morning Show - Northfield Mayor Rhonda Pownell and City Administrator Ben Martig, 10-19-22
Northfield Mayor Rhonda Pownell and City Administrator Ben Martig discuss the October 18 City Council meeting. Topics include surface water management, clean energy, ...
ArtZany: 'The Humans' at Paradise Community Theater, 10-14-22
Today in the ArtZany Radio studio Paula Granquist welcomes director Rachel Haider and actors Taylor Wesseln and Brynn Artley from the play The Humans produced by the P...
The Morning Show - Bob Sullivan, 10-14-22
Carleton College will dedicate the field at Laird Stadium during homecoming weekend to honor former football coach Bob Sullivan. It will be named Bob Sullivan Field. ...
The Morning Show - Carrie Carroll and Erica Campbell on Recharge Northfield Expo, 10-13-22
Carrie Carroll and Erica Campbell of Northfield Shares discuss the Recharge Northfield Expo to be held October 15, 10 am-1 pm, at Northfield Middle School. They invit...
The Morning Show - Rice County Attorney John Fossum, 10-13-22
Rice County Attorney John Fossum talks about the Deflection & Diversion Program funded by a grant that will help people with substance abuse problems to get treatment ...
The Morning Show - Northfield City Administrator Ben Martig, 10-12-22
Northfield City Administrator Ben Martig talks about the October 11 City Council work session. The Council discussed a new system of accounting software, projected ca...
The Morning Show - Logan Wells discusses KYMN Election Guide, 10-10-22
Northfielder Logan Wells, now at Cornell College, discusses the 2022 KYMN Election Guide. Using the Guide, you can view your sample ballot, register to vote, and more...
Musician Talk with Mary Clare Stroh, 10-2-22
Host Pauline Jennings talks with Mary Claire Stroh, professional musician, songwriter, and music teacher.
ArtZany: Author Peter Geye, 10-7-22
Today in the ArtZany Radio studio Paula Granquist welcomes author Peter Geye to discuss his new novel The Ski Jumpers.
The Morning Show - Nicole Strusz-Mueller on Urgent Care Clinic, 10-7-22
Nicole Strusz-Mueller, Director of Clinics at Northfield Hospital & Clinics, provides information about the services of the new urgent care clinic on south Hwy 3 that ...
The Morning Show - Natalie Draper of Northfield Public Library, 10-7-22
Natalie Draper, Director of the Northfield Public Library, talks about new murals by a local artist Rocky Casillas that will be featured in the children's section, pla...
The Morning Show - Craig Swenson of FiftyNorth, 10-6-22
Craig Swenson, Assistant Director and Fitness Coordinator at FiftyNorth provides information about upcoming events and activities.
The Morning Show - Rice County Sheriff Jesse Thomas, 10-6-22
Sheriff Jesse Thomas cautions drivers about farm equipment and deer on the roads this fall, staffing needs, mental health issues and more.
The Morning Show - Eileen Manning on Cyber Security Summit, 10-5-22
Eileen Manning, Founding Partner and Executive Producer of Cyber Security Summit discusses this year’s summit to be held in Minneapolis and online October 24-26. The ...
The Morning Show - Chainsaw Artist Curt Ingvoldstad, 10-5-22
Local chainsaw artist Curt Ingvoldstad talks about The Minnesota Chainsaw Art Experience which will feature four top chainsaw artists from the north making three dimen...
The Morning Show - Northfield Mayor Rhonda Pownell and City Administrator Ben Martig, 10-5-22
Northfield Mayor Rhonda Pownell and City Administrator Ben Martig discuss the October 4 City Council meeting. Topics include capital improvement plan for pedestrian a...
The Morning Show - Sam Temple of Northfield Public Broadcasting, 10-4-22
NPB Executive Director Sam Temple provides information about programs available on Northfield Public Broadcasting.
The Morning Show - Mayor Rhonda Pownell and Ben Martig, 9-28-22
Northfield Mayor Rhonda Pownell and City Administrator Ben Martig explain how taxes fund the City, discuss the tax base, preliminary tax levy and more.
The Morning Show - Dundas City Administrator Jenelle Teppen, 9-27-22
Dundas City Administrator Jenelle Teppen discusses the September 26 City Council meeting and the Council's review of her performance.
The Morning Show -Northfield Superintendent Dr. Matt Hillmann, 9-27-22
Northfield School Superintendent Dr. Matt Hillmann discusses the September 26 School Board meeting. Topics include the preliminary tax levy and the capital projects l...
The Morning Show - NAFRS Interim Fire Chief Tom Nelson and Paul Liebenstein, 9-22-22
Northfield Area Fire and Rescue (NAFRS) Interim Fire Chief Tom Nelson and Board Chair Paul Liebenstein provide a brief history of the rescue squad and ambulance servic...
The Morning Show - Northfield Mayor Rhonda Pownell and Brenda Angelstad, 9-21-22
Northfield Mayor Rhonda Pownell and Finance Director Brenda Angelstad discuss the September 20 City Council meeting. Topics include licensing to sell edible cannabino...
The Morning Show - Northfield Hospital CEO Steve Underdahl, 9-15-22
Northfield Hospital & Clinics CEO Steve Underdahl discusses effect of recent nurses strike, the opening of the Urgent Care Clinic on Sept. 15, and more.
The Morning Show - Northfield Police Chief Mark Elliott, 9-15-22
Northfield Police Chief Mark Elliott discusses police coverage during Defeat of Jesse James Days, Pink Patch Project success, and need to hire a new officer.
The Morning Show - Northfield Superintendent Dr. Matt Hillmann, 9-13-22
Northfield School Superintendent Dr. Matt Hillmann talks about the start of the school year, staffing needs, and the upcoming Capital projects levy renewal.
The Morning Show - Dundas City Administrator Jenelle Teppen, 9-13-22
Dundas City Administrator Jenelle Teppen discusses the September 12 City Council meeting during which an increase of 12.6% was approved for the preliminary tax levy.
The Morning Show - Northfield City Administrator Ben Martig and Jami Reister, 9-7-22
Northfield City Administrator Ben Martig and Mayor Pro Tem/Councilor Jami Reister talk about the September 6 City Council meeting. Topics include the downtown redevel...