Jeff Johnson
Jeff Johnson is the owner of KYMN Radio and the Host of The Morning Show.Appears in 815 Episodes
The Morning Show - Northfield Mayor Rhonda Pownell and Rice County Commissioner Galen Malecha, 5-29-24
Northfield Mayor Rhonda Pownell and Rice County Commissioner Galen Malecha talk about about regional passenger rail discussions.
The Morning Show - Betsey Buckheit discusses Northfield's Comprehensive Plan, 5-28-34
Betsey Buckheit, City of Northfield Comprehensive Plan Board Chair, talks about the plan's process and progress.
The Morning Show - Representative Kristi Pursell provides weekly legislative update, 5-24-24
State Representative Kristi Pursell of District 58A discusses legislative issues that involve District 58A, and more.
KYMN Daily News 5-23-24
City Council accepts review of Aministrative Department; Artmakers will return to live performance with 'Out and About' concert next week
The Morning Show - CC Linstroth of Age-Friendly Northfield, 5-23-24
CC Linstroth of Age-Friendly Northfield talks about the upcoming Community Street Dance on July 13 as well as other advocacy events for seniors. For more information,...
The Morning Show - Northfield Fire Chief Tom Nelson, 5-23-24
Northfield Fire Chief Tom Nelson discusses the Northfield Area Fire & Rescue Service budget, hiring new firefighters, and more.
The Morning Show - U.S. Senator Tina Smith, 5-23-24
U.S. Senator Tina Smith discusses proposed bipartisan legislation to help address issues of loneliness and isolation for seniors.
The Morning Show - Betsy Spethmann and Rafi Dworsky on Artmakers, 5-22-24
Betsy Spethmann and Rafi Dworsky discuss Artmakers, an inclusive, integrated arts community that provides opportunities for artists with disabilities to participate a...
KYMN Daily News 5-22-24
Northfield Hospital + Clinics President and CEO Steve Underdahl to retire by year's end; Candidates line up to put their names on the November ballot
The Morning Show - Northfield Mayor Rhonda Pownell and City Administrator Ben Martig, 5-22-24
Northfield Mayor Rhonda Pownell and City Administrator Ben Martig discuss the May 21 City Council meeting.
The Morning Show - Michael Johnson and Pauline Jennings of Northfield Arts Guild, 5-21-24
Michael Johnson and Pauline Jennings of the Northfield Arts Guild provide information about upcoming events and performances.
KYMN Daily News 5-20-24
County Commissioners extend permitting period, schedule public comment session on Milestone-Mathy mine; City considering cardiac pre-screening program for NPD; Ruth D...
KYMN Daily News 5-16-24
Council receives update on the new Comprehensive Plan; Northfield High School Tour set for Saturday morning; Library will host window restoration and repair workshop;...
The Morning Show - Northfield Police Chief Mark Elliott, 5-16-24
Northfield Police Chief Mark Elliott discusses a program to address officer wellness, provides cautions about scams, and more.
KYMN Daily News 5-15-24
Zweifel announces candidacy for Northfield Mayor; School Board hears '24-'25 General Fund budget presentation; Watermain flushing begins on Sunday
The Morning Show - Don Pavek on Bethel Church Garage Sale, 5-15-24
Don Pavek talks about the Bethel Church Garage Sale. The sale will be held Friday, May 17, 7am-6pm, and Saturday, May 18, 8am-noon.
The Morning Show - Northfield City Administrator Ben Martig discusses May 14 City Council Work Session, 5-15-24
Northfield City Administrator Ben Martig discusses the May 14 City Council Work Session. Topics discussed include health screenings for police officers, comprehensive...
The Morning Show - Representative Kristi Pursell provides weekly legislative update, 5-10-24
Representative Kristi Pursell provides weekly legislative update, 5-10-24
The Morning Show - Rob Ryden on Emmaus Bike Day, 5-9-24
Rob Ryden, Director of Worship and Administration at Emmaus Church, discusses Emmaus Bike Day coming up on Saturday, May 22, 9-noon. Bring your bike for a light tune-...
KYMN Daily News, 5-9-24
Northfield City Council makes changes to how it will hear from the public; Cleanup Days in Northfield and Dundas set for Saturday; Property taxes due on Wednesday
KYMN Daily News 5-8-24
Northfield man injured in truck vs. bicycle accident in Faribault; Northfield Police warn of more electronic scams; Most candidate filing periods open May 21st
The Morning Show - Derek Meyers and Kathleen Holmes discuss Riverwalk Market Fair and Third Thursday events in Northfield, 5-8-24
Derek Meyers and Kathleen Holmes discuss the Riverwalk Market Fair held on Saturdays 9am-1pm beginning May 18, and Third Thursday events to be held the third Thursday...
The Morning Show - Northfield Mayor Rhonda Pownell and City Administrator Ben Martig, 5-8-24
Northfield Mayor Rhonda Pownell and City Administrator Ben Martig discuss the May 7 City Council meeting. Topics include swearing in new police officers, 2023 Northfi...