All Episodes
KYMN Daily News 4/15/24
Pursell pursuing bonding dollars for Bridge Square, coop neighborhoods; Book Fair now accepting donations; I-35 construction resumes today
KYMN News 4/12/24
HRA extends agreement for manufactured housing development by one month; Clean River Partners planning several April events; NAFRS set to hire six new fire fighters
The Morning Show - Shad Hanley of "Beautiful" at Chanhassen Dinner Theater, 4-12-24
Shad Hanley, actor in the musical "Beautiful" at Chanhassen Dinner Theater talks about the show.
The Morning Show - Representative Kristi Pursell provides weekly legislative update, 4-12-24
State Representative Kristi Pursell from District 58A discusses a bill relating to health care access, "junk fees," and more.
KYMN News 4/11/24
City of Northfield re-examining options for 5th & Washington Street Project; Northfield School District high school facility tours resume on Saturday; Today is Tornado...
The Morning Show - Chair of Northfield Hospital Auxiliary Book Fair, 4-11-24
Mark Heiman announces that donations for the Northfield Hospital Auxiliary Book Fair are being taken at the Northfield Ice Arena April 10-19. The book fair begins on ...
KYMN News 4/10/24
Jeff Johnson announces he will retire from KYMN Radio this fall; School District taking a close look at attendance trends
The Morning Show - Brent Nystrom and Galen Malecha of Northfield Housing & Redevelopment Authority, 4-10-24
Brent Nystrom and Galen Malecha of the Northfield Housing & Redevelopment Authority talk about potential affordable housing developments in the area.
The Morning Show - Northfield City Administrator Ben Martig, 4-10-24
Northfield City Administrator Ben Martig discusses the April 9 City Council work session. Topics include downtown redevelopment, city administrative department struct...
The Morning Show - Dundas City Administrator Jenelle Teppen, 4-9-24
Dundas City Administrator Jenelle Teppen talks about the April 8 City Council meeting and announces that annual clean-up day will be Saturday, May 11, 7-11am.
KYMN News 4/9/24
City plans to sell 5th Street property to Loon Liquors; Northfield Middle School to host free heart screenings for young people; City Council work session set for tonight
The Morning Show - Northfield Superintendent Dr. Matt Hillmann, 4-9-24
Northfield Superintendent Dr. Matt Hillmann discusses student successes, attendance, and high school building tours prior to the November referendum.
The Morning Show - Evan Loe on Play for Patrick Heart Screening, 4-8-24
Northfield High School student Evan Loe provides information about the Play for Patrick heart screening, which is a free heart screen for young adults ages 14-24, Apr...
KYMN News 4/5/24
City Council approves Lions Riverside Park ‘Master Plan’; State of the City now available to watch on Northfield Public Broadcasting; Rice County Tree & Shrub giveaway...
The Morning Show - Natalie Draper on upcoming events/activities at Northfield Public Library,4-5-24
Natalie Draper, Library Director at Northfield Public Library, provides information about upcoming events and activities at the library. There will be an eclipse view...
The Morning Show - MN Representative Kristi Pursell, 4-5-24
State Representative Kristi Pursell from District 58A provides her weekly legislative update.
The Morning Show - Craig Swenson on Events/Activities at FiftyNorth, 4-4-24
Craig Swenson, Assistant Director/Fitness Manager, provides information about upcoming programs, activities and events at FiftyNorth.
KYMN News 4/4/24
HRA to discuss arrangement with foundation proposing modular home development tonight; High School Referendum Informational Page unveiled; ‘Vest Fest’ fundraiser plann...
The Morning Show - Rice County Sheriff Jesse Thomas, 4-4-24
Rice County Sheriff Jesse Thomas provides an update on construction of the new Rice County Public Safety Center, road construction projects, recent scams, and more.
KYMN News 4/3/24
Gaza ceasefire resolution requested from City Council; ‘Pints for Pride’ fundraiser set for Saturday; Temple working to preserve state funding for public broadcasting
The Morning Show - Kelli Podracky, Executive Director of Northfield Union of Youth, 4-3-24
Kelli Podracky, Executive Director of Northfield Union of Youth, talks about the mission, resources, programming and events at The Key.
The Morning Show - Jennifer Tonko and Corey China - Building Community Capacity for Environmental Justice Workshop,4-3-24
Jennifer Tonko, Executive Director of Clean River Partners, and Corey China of the MN Humanities Center, discuss the upcoming workshop "Building Community Capacity fo...
The Morning Show - Northfield Mayor Rhonda Pownell and City Administrator Ben Martig, 4-3-24
Northfield Mayor Rhonda Pownell and City Administrator Ben Martig review the April 2 City Council meeting.
The Morning Show - Sam Temple of Northfield Public Broadcasting, 4-2-24
Sam Temple, Station Manager for for Northfield Public Broadcasting, talks about efforts at the legislature to offer broadband equitably, and provides information abou...
KYMN News 4/2/24
Community Market Fair set for Saturday; Volunteers readying Hospital Auxiliary Book Fair; City Council will meet tonight
KYMN News 4/1/24
Northfield Police Chief Mark Elliott will retire in September; City set to receive federal dollars for drinking water treatment plant; Severe Weather Awareness Week b...
The Morning Show -Mrs. Moxie on Pints for Pride Fundraiser, 4-1-24
Mrs. Moxie provides information about the Northfield Pride 'Pints for Pride' fundraiser to be held on Saturday, April 6, 6-8pm at the Grand Event Center. There will b...
The Morning Show - Jane Bartho on Northfield Community Market Fair, 4-1-24
Northfield Area Chamber of Commerce President Jane Bartho talks about the Community Market Fair to be held on Saturday, April 6, 9am-3pm, at the Dundas Dome. There wil...