All Episodes
KYMN News 3/28/24
Rita Hillmann Olson receives Republican endorsement for District 58A; Allen working to bring 'relevant' history to Historical Society; Northfield school district appre...
The Morning Show - Northfield Fire Chief Tom Nelson, 3-28-24
Northfield Fire Chief Tom Nelson provides highlights from the recent NAFRS Joint Powers Board meeting, and an event organized by the DJJD Committee, VFW and VFW Auxil...
KYMN News 3/27/24
Dundas man, 19, charged with criminal vehicular homicide for April ’23 crash; Northfield School District readying new informational campaign; Dundas seeks grant for CF...
The Morning Show - Northfield Mayor Rhonda Pownell and Sean Allen, 3-27-24
Northfield Mayor Rhonda Pownell and Sean Allen, Executive Director of the Northfield Historical Society, discuss the many exhibits and events at the Historical Societ...
KYMN News 3/26/24
Moore discusses vacancies to be filled on Minnesota Supreme Court; Pursell believes radon bill will pass before the end of the session; 'Pints for Pride' set for April...
The Morning Show - Northfield Superintendent Dr. Matt Hillmann, 3-26-24
Northfield Superintendent Dr. Matt Hillmann talks about student successes, events, and the educational campaign for the high school referendum.
The Morning Show - Dundas City Administrator Jenelle Teppen, 3-26-24
Dundas City Administrator Jenelle Teppen discusses the March 25 City Council meeting. Topics include awarding a bid for the reconstruction of Forest Avenue and Depot ...
KYMN News 3/22/24
Northfield Police Department preparing for 2024 retirements; Northfield Arts Guild Gala set for tomorrow night; Nominations sought for 'Prevention Champions'
The Morning Show - Representative Kristi Pursell provides weekly legislative update, 3-22-24
District 58A Representative Kristi Pursell talks about bills introduced at the MN legislative session this week.
The Morning Show - Chris Kennelly discusses proposed new Northfield Ice Arena, 3-21-24
Chris Kennelly of the Northfield Hockey Association discusses efforts to form a public/private partnership to fund a new ice arena and the potential economic impact o...
KYMN News 3/21/24
Representative Kristi Pursell discusses tax breaks passed during the 2023 legislative Session as tax season is underway; Fred Rogers of the Northfield Hospital Board d...
The Morning Show - Northfield Deputy Police Chief P.T. Haider and Sgt Thad Monroe, 3-21-24
Deputy Police Chief P.T. Haider of the Northfield Police Department talks about Severe Weather Awareness Week in early April and emergency management; Sergeant Thad M...
The Morning Show - Ben Martig and Fred Rogers discuss awards at Northfield State of the City event,3-20-24
Northfield City Administrator Ben Martig announces awards given at the March 19 State of the City event, and Fred Rogers, recipient of the Boards and Commissions Exce...
KYMN News 3/19/24
State of the City Address tonight; Hillmann discusses logistics of potential high school construction/renovation; Move to new County Safety Center will require carefu...
The Morning Show - Michael Johnson and Bob Thacker of Northfield Arts Guild, 3-19-24
Michael Johnson and Bob Thacker of the Northfield Arts Guild discuss the annual Guild Gala, celebrating 65 years, to be held on Saturday, March 23, 6:00 p.m. at the A...
KYMN Local News 3/18/24
Pursell working on consumer protection, ag incentive bills; Northfield Hospital Birth Center has become a regional destination; Highway 19 Roundabout open house set fo...
The Morning Show - Paul Reiland on Parade of Homes, 3-18-24
Paul Reiland talks about homes featured in the Parade of Homes by Johnson-Reiland Builders & Remodelers.
KYMN News 3/15/24
Senator Tina Smith working for better rural EMS situation; NH+C’s Underdahl says patients’ information secure after national cyber attack; ‘Mayor for a Day’ winners an...
The Morning Show - Representative Kristi Pursell provides weekly legislative update, 3-15-24
State Representative Kristi Pursell from District 58A provides her weekly update on legislative activities and information.
KYMN News 3/14/24
Ice Arena conversation resumes, City Council offers mixed support; Saye-Willis named ‘Living Treasure;’ Grimm & Cruz at Arts Guild Theater Sunday night
Steve Underdahl, CEO of Northfield Hospital & Clinics, 3-14-24
Steve Underdahl, CEO of Northfield Hospital & Clinics, talks about the birthing center, colon cancer screening, and more.
The Morning Show - Bill North discusses Northfield Library Puzzle Playoff, 3-14-24
Bill North of Friends and Foundation of the Northfield Public Library talks about upcoming library events including a Puzzle Playoff on Saturday, March 23, from 10:30...
The Morning Show - Senator Tina Smith discusses bill to help rural EMS providers, 3-14-24
U.S. Senator Tina Smith talks about a bill to address the difficulties facing EMS providers to receive adequate Medicare reimbursement for their trips in rural Minnes...
The Morning Show - Tom Nielsen of Northfield Retirement Community, 3-13-24
Tom Nielsen, President and CEO of Northfield Retirement Community, talks about short-term and long-term assisted living at NRC, and more.
The Morning Show - Northfield Mayor Rhonda Pownell and City Administrator Ben Martig, 3-13-24
Northfield Mayor Rhonda Pownell and City Administrator Ben Martig discuss the March 12 City Council meeting, work session relating to the ice arena and a closed sessi...
KYMN Local news 3/12/24
School Board passes three-question referendum concept, directs school administration to proceed; Thomas discusses Rice County crime numbers; City Council to meet three...
The Morning Show - Dundas City Administrator Jenelle Teppen, 3-12-24
Dundas City Administrator Jenelle Teppen talks about reconstruction projects scheduled for the summer including pedestrian access crossings at Hwy 3 and County Road 1...
The Morning Show - Northfield Superintendent Dr. Matt Hillmann, 3-12-24
Northfield Superintendent Dr. Matt Hillmann discusses the March 11 School Board meeting and the details of a 3-part-question bond referendum to improve the high schoo...