All Episodes
Daily News: 12/20/2024
City of Northfield Declares a Snow Emergency;Mayor Rhonda Pownell Shares Final MessageNorthfield Public Library Shares 2024 WrappedLast Winter Market of the Year on Sa...
CC Linstroth of Age-Friendly Northfield, 12-20-24
CC Linstroth of Age Friendly Northfield discusses various activities for senior citizens available in Northfield and provides a look ahead to 2025.
Northfield Police Chief Jeff Schroepfer, 12-19-24
Police Chief Jeff Schroepfer talks about snow emergency preparedness, the Bridge Square Christmas tree vandalism, drones, and more.
Daily News: 12/18/2024
Northfield, MN area news: A Reminder About Snow Day & Snow Emergency PoliciesCity Looking For Last Round of Feedback on Comprehensive Plan
Alex Zidarevich and Charlene Hamblin on area Red Cross Blood Drives, 12-18-24
American Red Cross Blood Program Account Manager Alex Zidarevich and Charlene Hamblin of Northfield Area Fire & Rescue Services, talk about the importance of blood do...
Pam Thompson, outgoing Editor of the Northfield News, reflects on career, 12-17-24
Northfield News Editor Pam Thompson will be leaving the job after four years. She reflects on her journalistic career and talks about her plans going forward.
Rhonda Pownell reflects on two terms as Northfield Mayor, 12-18-24
Outgoing Northfield Mayor Rhonda Pownell talks about achievements made during her two terms as mayor.
Daily News: 12/17/2024
Northfield, MN Area News: An In Depth Look At the City of Northfield 2025 Budget & Tax Levy School District Hosts Design Input Event & City Council Has A Special Meeti...
Sam Temple of Northfield Public Broadcasting, 12-17-24
Sam Temple, Station Manager for Northfield Public Broadcasting, provides information about programs available on NPB. NPB programs can be viewed on Spectrum cable cha...
Daily News 12/16/2024
Northfield, MN area news: Joe and Sue Hollinger Recognized As Rice County’s OutstandingPost Working With Northfield Area Fire To Prevent Future CallsKYMN Debuts New Pr...
"Keep it Local" featuring Trish Brown and Cassie Schnoor of Fine Fettle, 12-16-24
Trish Brown and Cassie Schnoor, co-owners of Fine Fettle talk about their products. The store is located at 16 Bridge Square in Northfield.
Sean Allen of the Northfield History Center
Executive Director of the Northfield History Center, Sean Allen, talks about the recent transfer of items in the archive to the Prairie Island Indian Community, the mu...
Daily News 12/16/2024
Northfield area news: Salvation Army Doing Well In Northfield; Volunteers Still Need At Faribault LocationsNorthfield Arts Guild Holiday Show Closes This Weekend; Perf...
Ronica Roberson reviews area Entertainment Guide, 12-13-24
Ronica Roberson, managing editor of the Entertainment Guide, highlights some of the upcoming events in the area.
Cyrus Kirby and Mandy Eberhart discuss new radio show 'Geeking Out', 12-13-24
Cyrus Kirby and Mandy Eberhart talk about their new radio show 'Geeking Out' during which they will talk about various passions for hobbies and fun that people are ge...
Daily News 12/12/2024
Daily Northfield Area News From KYMN RadioWinter Walk is TonightRice County Truth In Taxation Hearing Set For Tonight
Steve Underdahl of Northfield Hospital & Clinics discusses upcoming retirement, 12-12-24
Northfield Hospital CEO Steve Underdahl talks about his upcoming retirement and reflects on successes of Northfield Hospital & Clinics.
Daily News 12/11/2024
Sponsors Share Why They Support Winter WalkTIF District For Archer Project Approved in November; Clears The Way For Construction in Spring 2025
Northfield Mayor Rhonda Pownell and Dave Bennett on Transportation Open House tonight, 12-11-24
Northfield Mayor Rhonda Pownell and City Engineer Dave Bennett talk about a Transportation Open House scheduled for tonight, 5:30 pm at Northfield High School. The pu...
Northfield Area Fire Chief Tom Nelson 12/10/24
NAFRS Chief Tom Nelson makes an unscheduled visit to remind Rich, Logan and the Northfield community about the importance of changing out expired smoke and CO detector...
Daily News 12/10/2024
City Allows Data Centers In The Northwest Industrial Area; Highest Efficiency Standards In MN Implemented Health Officials Remind Everyone To Get Vaccinated Before Th...
Dundas City Administrator Jenelle Teppen discusses Truth in Taxation Hearing; City Council meeting, 12-10-24
Superintendent Dr. Matt Hillmann announces Noel and Lois Stratmoen Day; reviews School Board Meeting, 12-10-24
Northfield Superintendent Dr. Matt Hillmann announces that December 10 has been declared Noel and Lois Stratmoen Day and reviews the December 9 School Board meeting. ...
"Keep it Local" featuring Leslie Davila and Kim Kocak of Homebody Refill Market, 12-9-24
Leslie Davila and Kim Kocak, co-owners of Homebody Refill Market, describe the store and its products. Homebody Refill Market is a marketplace for refillable, low-wast...
Natalie Draper of the Northfield Public Library, 12-6-24
Natalie Draper, Library Director at Northfield Public Library, provides information about upcoming events and activities at the library.
Chad Beumer, incoming Northfield City Councilor, 12-6-24
Chad Beumer, incoming member of the Northfield City Council, talks about his vision for Northfield.