All Episodes
Daily News 12/5/2024
Northfield City Council Approves Tax Levy Increase of 15.8%; Councilors Sokup & Zuccolotto Vote Against The LevyCannon Falls Police Conducting A Search For Missing Per...
Craig Swenson on Events/Activities at FiftyNorth, 12-5-24
Craig Swenson, Assistant Director/Fitness Manager, provides information about upcoming programs, activities and events at FiftyNorth.
Rice County Sheriff Jesse Thomas discusses ice safety, Red Kettle Campaign, 12-5-24
Rice County Sheriff Jesse Thomas discusses ice safety, the Sheriff Department's participation in the Salvation Army Red Kettle Campaign at area stores, and more.
Daily News 12/4/2024
Northfield Public School Working To Save Costs During the Bond Sale; Carleton Donation Is Expect To Lead To $4 Million in SavingsCarleton’s Craft Fair & Custodial Bake...
Northfield Mayor Rhonda Pownell and Ben Martig discuss year-end City Council meeting, 12-4-24
Northfield Mayor Rhonda Pownell and City Administrator Ben Martig talk about the December 3 City Council meeting.
Erin Turner of the Northfield Girls Basketball Association discusses upcoming tournament, 12-3-24
Erin Turner talks about the Northfield Girls Basketball Association, a tournament on December 14-15 at the Carleton Recreation Center, and discusses sponsors and spon...
Daily News 12/2/2024
Below are the links to today’s news stories and podcast:Northfield Turkeys Pardoned At The White House Last WeekHockey Association Shares Goals With Additional Fundrai...
"Keep it Local" with Kyle Rushton of MN TCH Co., 12-2-24
Kyle Rushton talks about MN TCH Co. which has locations in Lakeville and Dundas, and provides information about CBD and TCH wellness products.
Laura Stelter, Executive Director of Arcadia Charter School, and former student Logan Wells, 11-27-24
Laura Stelter, Executive Director of Arcadia Charter School, and former student Logan Wells provide a general overview of Arcadia Charter School and announce its upco...
Northfield Mayor Rhonda Pownell and Ben Martig discuss City Council meeting, 11-27-24
Northfield Mayor Rhonda Pownell and City Administrator Ben Martig talk about the November 26 City Council meeting. Topics include rezoning of the NW area for industri...
Dundas City Administrator Jenelle Teppen discusses City Council Meeting, 11-26-24
Dundas City Administrator Jenelle Teppen discusses the November 25 City Council meeting. Topics include cannabis regulations, fund balance policy, parking regulations...
Northfield Superintendent Dr. Matt Hillmann discusses E-Learning Day and School Board Meeting, 11-26-24
Northfield Superintendent Dr. Matt Hillmann talks about a practice e-learning day tomorrow, November 27, and reviews the November 25 School Board meeting.
Betsey Buckheit discusses Northfield Planning Commission Meeting, Comprehensive Plan, 11-25-24
Northfield Planning Commission Chair Betsey Buckheit talks about the meeting held on November 21, 2024, and provides an update on the City's Comprehensive Plan.
Natalie Draper and Bill North discuss Northfield Public Library Internship Program, 11-25-24
Northfield Public Library Director Natalie Draper and Bill North of Friends of the Northfield Public Library talk about the internship program at the library.
Chris Kennelly discusses Ice Arena Donation and provides update on Archer House Project, 11-22-24
Chris Kennelly of Rebound Partners and also of the Northfield Hockey Association discusses the Hockey Association donation of $2 million to the Northfield Ice Arena a...
KYMN Daily News 11/21/2024
Below are the links to today’s news stories and podcast:Northfield Hockey Association Announces Fundraising UpdateCAC Director Scott Wopata Starts Letter Series About ...
CC Linstroth of Age-Friendly Northfield, 11-21-24
CC Linstroth of Age Friendly Northfield discusses various activities for senior citizens available in Northfield.
Northfield Fire Chief Tom Nelson, 11-21-24
Northfield Fire Chief Tom Nelson previews the November 21 NAFRS Joint Powers meeting, discusses working with businesses to ensure fire safety, and provides holiday sa...
KYMN Daily News 11-20-2024
Below are the links to today’s news stories and podcast:Enrollment Report Shows Little Change From Previous YearsRice County Winter Gear Drive Ends ThursdayContent Boo...
"Keep it Local" featuring Jessica Peterson White of Content Bookstore, 11-18-24
Jessica Peterson White, owner of Content Bookstore in Northfield, talks about how the bookstore has evolved over the past 10 years.
Northfield City Administrator Ben Martig discusses City Council work session, 11-20-24
Northfield City Administrator Ben Martig talks about the November 19 City Council work session. Topics include grant applications for flooding mitigation, cannabis-re...
Emery John About A New Program From The City To Hear From Businesses
Emery John with the City of Northfield’s Community Development Department talks about their new program: Connecting Business & Community with the goal of hearing from ...
Michael Johnson of Northfield Arts Guild, 11-19-24
Michael Johnson, Executive Director of the Northfield Arts Guild, talks about upcoming performances and events.
Professor Sarah Kennedy and Students discuss Carleton's Community Archaeology Day, 11-15-24
Community Archaeology Day at Carleton College will be Tuesday, November 19. Students of ARCN 246: Archaeology Methods and Lab will share results from their recent arch...
Former KYMN Owner Jeff Johnson bids farewell, 11-15-24
Jeff Johnson, former owner of KYMN Radio, expresses his gratitude and bids farewell as he embarks on his travelling adventure.
Northfield Mayor-Elect Erica Zweifel, 11-15-24
Northfield Mayor-Elect Erica Zweifel talks about the recent City Council meeting, transition to the Mayor's office, and her plans going forward in January.
Northfield EMS Chief Brian Edwards discusses Winter Hazard Awareness Week, 11-14-24
Brian Edwards, Northfield Hospital Chief of Emergency Medical Services, talks about Winter Hazard Awareness Week November 18-22. He discusses the potential hazards to...