All Episodes
Lisa Percy discusses Operation Joy, 11-13-24
Lisa Percy talks about Operation Joy sponsored by the Northfield Community Action Center. The event provides gifts for children needing additional support from the c...
Northfield Mayor Rhonda Pownell and City Administrator Ben Martig, 11-13-24
Northfield Mayor Rhonda Pownell and City Administrator Ben Martig talk about the public hearing related to tax abatement for Loon Liquors and review the November 12 C...
Noel Aldrich and Karsten Singh talk about Northfield Toastmasters Club Open House, 11-11-24
Noel Aldrich and Karsten Singh of Northfield Toastmasters Club talk about an open house on Tuesday, November 12, 6:30 p.m. at the Northfield Public Library to help le...
Tracy Closson and Pastor Brent Klein on Veteran's Day events, 11-8-24
VFW Commander Tracy Closson and Pastor Brent Klein of Northfield Beyond the Yellow Ribbon Committee talk about local Veteran's Day celebrations and events.
Craig Swenson on events/activities at FiftyNorth, 11-7-24
Craig Swenson, Assistant Director/Fitness Manager, provides information about upcoming programs, activities and events at FiftyNorth.
Mayor-Elect Erica Zweifel 11/6/2024
Northfield Mayor-Elect Erica Zweifel talks about the 2024 Election Results and her vision for Northfield.
Superintendent Dr. Matt Hillmann Discuss The High School Referendum Results
Superintendent of Schools, Dr. Matt Hillmann, discusses the results of the High School Referendum that was passed and the future steps for the project.
Professor of American Politics, Megan Goldberg on the Presidential Election
Dr. Megan Goldberg, an Assistant Professor of American Politics at Cornell College in Mt. Vernon, Iowa, discusses the Presidential Election and polling.
Election Explainer: Voting at the Polls
In the last election explainer of 2024, Logan discusses how to register at the polls, polling locations, and the rights of voters. Find more information here:
The Northfield Candidate Show with guest Professor Christopher Chapp of the St. Olaf College Institute for Community and Freedom 11/4/24
A show featuring in-depth conversations with the people running for local office in Northfield. On this edition, hosts Logan Wells and Rich Larson are joined by Politi...
The Northfield Candidate Show with guests Rep. Kristi Pursell and Rita Hillmann Olson
A show featuring in-depth conversations with the people running for local office in Northfield. On this edition, hosts Joe Moravchik and Rich Larson are joined by both...
Natalie Draper of Northfield Public Library, 11-1-24
Natalie Draper, Library Director at Northfield Public Library, provides information about upcoming events and activities at the library.
School Board Candidate Iris Lee discusses Northfield High School Referendum, 11-1-24
School Board Candidate Iris Lee discusses her thoughts on the Reimagine Northfield High School Referendum.
Doing Good Things for Kids with guest Katherine Norrie
A show hosted by Northfield Superintendent of Schools Dr. Matt Hillmann focusing on people who either work in the Northfield School District or attend a Northfield pub...
The Northfield Candidate Show mayoral candidate forum with guests Erica Zweifel and Ruth Dahl 10/28/24
A show featuring in-depth conversations with the people running for local office in Northfield. On this edition, hosts Logan Wells and Rich Larson are joined by the ca...
"Keep it Local" featuring Realtors Greg Storlie and Chris Hentges, 10-31-24
Greg Storlie and Chris Hentges of Storlie & Hentges Real Estate Group-Edina Realty are today's guests.
The Northfield Candidate Show with guests Dr. Matt Hillmann, Val Mertesdorf and Bubba Sullivan 10/31/24
A show featuring in-depth conversations with the people running for local office in Northfield. On this edition host Rich Larson is joined by Northfield Superintendent...
City Councilors Davin Sokup, Jessica Peterson White and Kathleen Holmes discuss future direction of Northfield City Council, 10-30-24
Davin Sokup, Jessica Peterson White and Kathleen Holmes of Northfield City Council discuss the future direction of the City Council following the local election.
Dundas City Administrator Jenelle Teppen reviews City Council meeting
Dundas City Administrator Jenelle Teppen discusses the October 28 City Council meeting and work session.
Superintendent Dr. Matt Hillmann on hosting new KYMN radio show, teacher work days, snow days, and more, 10-29-24
Northfield Superintendent Dr. Matt Hillmann discusses a new show that he will host on KYMN Radio "Doing Good Things for Kids"; school calendar, teacher work days, con...
Betsey Buckheit discusses Northfield Comprehensive Plan, 10-28-24
Betsey Buckheit, Chair of the Northfield Planning Commission, provides an update on the City of Northfield Comprehensive Plan.
Sarah Swan McDonald, Jodi Saxton-West and Leah Sand discuss support for High School Referendum, 10-25-24
Northfield educators Sarah Swan McDonald, Jodi Saxton-West and Leah Sand discuss their reasons for supporting the High School Referendum.
CC Linstroth of Age-Friendly Northfield discusses Rock Steady Boxing program for those with Parkinson's disease, 10-24-24
CC Linstroth of Age-Friendly Northfield talks about Rock Steady Boxing, a program for those with Parkinson's disease that will be brought to Northfield in January. Th...
Jesse Faust and Andrew Tussing discuss Fire Prevention, 10-24-24
Assistant Fire Chief Jesse Faust and Captain Andrew Tussing of the Northfield Area Fire & Rescue Service discuss fire prevention. October is Fire Prevention Month.
"Keep it Local" featuring Laura Meyers of Imminent Brewing, 10-23-24
Laura Meyers, co-owner of Imminent Brewing in Northfield, talks about the history, products and events at the brewery.
Davin Sokup and Kathleen Holmes of Northfield City Council, 10-23-24
Northfield City Council members Davin Sokup and Kathleen Holmes, who are not up for re-election this year, talk about the learning curve that city council candidates ...
Sarah Aylward and Claudia Gonzalez-George talk about Women's March to be held November 2, 10-22-24
Sarah Aylward and Claudia Gonzalez-George discuss the community event, "Get Out The Vote!" to be held Saturday, November 2 from 11:30am-2:30pm at Central Park in Nort...