Jeff Johnson
Jeff Johnson is the owner of KYMN Radio and the Host of The Morning Show.Appears in 815 Episodes
The Morning Show -Tim Penny of Southern Minnesota Initiative Foundation, 10-27-23
Tim Penny, President of the Southern Minnesota Initiative Foundation, discusses several of the organization's initiatives including early childhood grants, and inclus...
The Morning Show - Galen Malecha and Nan Just of Age-Friendly Northfield, 10-26-23
Galen Malecha and Nan Just of Age-Friendly Northfield talk about winter pickleball as well as a class offered November 29 at FiftyNorth to help seniors determine if t...
The Morning Show - NAFRS Fire Chief Tom Nelson, 10-26-23
It's Fire Prevention Month and Northfield Area Fire & Rescue Fire Chief Tom Nelson talks about recreational fires versus fires that require a burning permit, presentat...
The Morning Show - Mayor Rhonda Pownell and Jake Reilly discuss new comprehensive plan process,10-25-23
Northfield Mayor Rhonda Pownell and Community Development Director Jake Reilly talk about plans to create a new comprehensive plan for the city, which is being called ...
The Morning Show - Dundas City Administrator Jenelle Teppen, 10-24-23
Dundas City Administrator Jenelle Teppen discusses the October 23 City Council meeting and provides an update on the construction of the new Tractor Supply Store.
The Morning Show - Northfield School Board Chair Claudia Gonzalez-George, 10-24-23
Northfield School Board Chair Claudia Gonzalez-George reviews the October 22 School Board meeting. Topics include the 2024-25 school calendar, English language learne...
The Morning Show - Dale Fredrickson on Mill Town Marathon, 10-23-23
Dale Fredrickson provides information about a "pop up" marathon - The Mill Town Marathon to be held Sunday, October 29. For more information and registration, click h...
The Morning Show - Bill North discusses annual Trivia Bee, 10/23/23
Bill North talks about Friends and Foundation of the Northfield Public Library and the Annual Team Trivia Bee on October 27, 7:00 p.m. at the Grand Event Center. For ...
The Morning Show -Ryan Heinritz on Cannon River FC, 10-20-23
Ryan Heinritz discusses the Cannon River FC, a training program for Northfield and Faribault soccer club players who want to continue to train after the regular soccer...
The Morning Show - Sean Allen and Mark Thornton of Northfield Historical Society, 10-18-23
Northfield Historical Society Executive Director Sean Allen and Outreach Coordinator Mark Thornton provide information on upcoming events including a presentation by J...
The Morning Show - Northfield Mayor Rhonda Pownell and City Administrator Ben Martig, 10-18-23
Northfield Mayor Rhonda Pownell and City Administrator Ben Martig review the October 17 City Council meeting. Topics include a legislative update from Representative ...
The Morning Show - Northfield School Superintendent Dr. Matt Hillmann, 10-17-23
Northfield School Superintendent Dr. Matt Hillmann talks about the school district's mission to ensure that students are college and/or career ready, ACT test scores, ...
The Morning Show -Davin Sokup on housing costs, 10-13-23
Northfield City Councilperson Davin Sokup, who also works in the Minnesota Senate primarily on housing committee issues, discusses the effects of the rising costs of ...
The Morning Show - Steve Underdahl of Northfield Hospital & Clinics, 10-12-23
Steve Underdahl, CEO of Northfield Hospital & Clinics, discusses expanded hours for the Urgent Care Clinic, closing of the Lonsdale Clinic and the Long-Term Care Clin...
The Morning Show - Will Schroeer, 1-0-12-23
Will Schroeer, a city planner by trade, shares his thoughts about parking in downtown Northfield. Schroeer is a member of the Northfield Planning Commission and Trans...
The Morning Show - Michael Johnson, new Northfield Arts Guild Director, 10-11-23
New Northfield Arts Guild Executive Director Michael Johnson talks about his background as well as upcoming activities and events at the Guild.
The Morning Show - Northfield City Administrator Ben Martig, 10-11-23
Northfield City Administrator Ben Martig reviews the October 10 City Council work session that included a presentation about parking solutions and a discussion about t...
The Morning Show - Dundas City Administrator Jenelle Teppen, 10-10-23
Dundas City Administrator Jenelle Teppen reviews the October 9 City Council meeting including a purchase agreement for a parcel to be used for redevelopment.
The Morning Show - Northfield Superintendent Dr. Matt Hillmann, 10-10-23
Northfield School Superintendent Dr. Matt Hillmann reviews the October 9 School Board meeting. Topics include observance of Indigenous Peoples Day, voter survey relati...
The Morning Show - Jane Bartho and Rachel Trnka of Northfield Chamber of Commerce, 10-9-23
Jane Bartho and Rachel Trnka of the Northfield Chamber of Commerce discuss the upcoming annual Fall Gala to be held at the Grand Event Center on Friday, October 13. Fo...
The Morning Show - Natalie Draper of Northfield Public Library, 10-6-23
Natalie Draper, Library Director at Northfield Public Library, provides information about upcoming events and activities at the library.
The Morning Show - Craig Swenson of FiftyNorth, 10-5-23
Craig Swenson provides information about upcoming programs, activities and events at FiftyNorth.
The Morning Show - Rice County Sheriff Jesse Thomas, 10-5-23
Rice County Sheriff Jesse Thomas provides information about the Shop with a Cop program on October 18, talks about his challenge "bell ringing battle of the badges" t...
The Morning Show - Jessica Prill and Lyn Rein on Studio ARTour, 10-4-23
Local artists Jessica Prill and Lyn Rein provide information about the annual Studio ARTour, October 6-8. For tour information, visit studioartour.com.
The Morning Show - Northfield Mayor Rhonda Pownell and City Engineer David Bennett, 10-4-23
Northfield Mayor Rhonda Pownell and City Engineer David Bennett talk about the October 3 City Council meeting. Topics include sale of bonds, preliminary designs for W...
The Morning Show - Sam Temple of Northfield Public Broadcasting, 10-3-23
Sam Temple, Executive Director for Northfield Public Broadcasting, provides information on programs available on NPB. For more information, visit the NPB website.
The Morning Show - Representative Kristi Pursell, 10-2-23
Representative Kristi Pursell provides an update of her activities during the legislative interim.
The Morning Show - Nancy Just and Paul Reiland of Age-Friendly Northfield, 9-28-23
Nancy Just of Age-Friendly Northfield and Paul Reiland of Johnson Reiland Builders talk about a tour of houses that have incorporated universal design features to acco...