Jeff Johnson
Jeff Johnson is the owner of KYMN Radio and the Host of The Morning Show.Appears in 815 Episodes
Local Author Susan Hvistendahl on history of Carleton and St. Olaf football, 10-4-24
Local Author Susan Hvistendahl talks about the history of football at St. Olaf and Carleton Colleges. She and former long-time Carleton football coach, Bob Sullivan, ...
Craig Swenson on upcoming programs, activities and events at FiftyNorth, 10-3-24
Craig Swenson, Assistant Director/Fitness Manager, provides information about upcoming programs, activities and events at FiftyNorth
Rice County Sheriff Jesse Thomas discusses move to new Safety Center and more, 10-3-24
Rice County Sheriff Jesse Thomas talks about the process to move into the new Safety Center, and more.
Mayor Rhonda Pownell and Ben Martig discuss Northfield City Council Meeting, 10-2-24
Northfield Mayor Rhonda Pownell and City Administrator Ben Martig talk about the October 1 City Council meeting.
Sam Temple explains Northfield Public Broadcasting programs during political season, 10-1-24
Sam Temple, Northfield Public Broadcasting Station Manager, discusses obligations of public television and Northfield Public Broadcasting programs during the present ...
Don Pavek on Salvation Army Bell Ringing, 9-30-24
Don Pavek from the Rice County Salvation Army promotes bell ringing opportunities for the Salvation Army this holiday season, and the kick-off event on November 10th a...
NAFRS Chief Tom Nelson and Northfield EMS Chief Brian Edwards, 9-26-24
Northfield Fire Chief Tom Nelson and Northfield EMS Chief Brian Edwards discuss Fall Prevention Week, the importance of checking carbon monoxide alarms in your home, r...
Northfield Mayor Rhonda Pownell and City Clerk Lynette Peterson discuss voting and elections, 9-25-24
Dundas City Administrator Jenelle Teppen, 9-24-24
Dundas City Administrator Jenelle Teppen discusses last weekend's Oktoberfest, the most recent Dundas City Council meeting, and more.
Dr. Matt Hillmann and Alison Byerly discuss Carleton College's pledged donation for high school renovations
Northfield Public Schools Superintendent Dr. Matt Hillmann and President of Carleton College Alison Byerly discuss the Reimagine Northfield High School bond referendum...
Northfield Community Development Director Jake Reilly discusses comprehensive plan, 9-23-24
Northfield Community Development Director Jake Reilly discusses reviewing and revising the city's comprehensive plan. There will be a community-wide open house relate...
Tami Resler discusses the Fesler-Lampert and Acoustic Roots Performing Arts Series to be held at Shattuck St. Mary's, 9-20-24
Tami Resler discusses the Fesler-Lampert and Acoustic Roots Performing Arts Series to be held at Shattuck St. Mary's. There will be an array of musicians and entertai...
Brooke Sticha on 40th Annual Dozinky Festival, 9-19-24
Brooke Sticha, New Prague Chamber of Commerce Executive Director, discusses festivities at the 40th Annual Dozinky Festival September 19-21.
Police Chief Mark Elliott, 9-19-24
Northfield Police Chief Mark Elliott recaps September, discusses the Towards Zero Death program among others, and the transition with incoming Chief Jeff Schroepfer.
Northfield EMS Chief Brian Edwards discusses licensure changes, 9-18-24
Brian Edwards, Northfield Hospital Chief of Emergency Medical Services, talks about State licensure changes for Northfield emergency services.
Northfield Mayor Rhonda Pownell and Ben Martig discuss Northfield City Council Meeting, 9-18-24
Northfield Mayor Rhonda Pownell and City Administrator Ben Martig discuss the September 17 City Council Meeting.
Michael Johnson and Pauline Jennings of Northfield Arts Guild, 9-17-24
Michael Johnson, Executive Director, and Pauline Jennings, Performing Arts Manager of the Northfield Arts Guild, talk about upcoming performances and events.
Jill Metz discusses the Laura Baker 2024 Flannel Gala
Laura Baker Services Association Board Member Jill Metz talks about this year's Flannel Gala, happening this Thursday, September 19th at Armory Square from 5-8pm. http...
Logan Wells on KYMN's 2024 Election Guide
KYMN News Director Logan Wells goes over this year's 2024 Election Guide covering voting resources, election topics, candidate interviews, and more for this year's loc...
Civil Air Patrol Group Commander Keith Kluzak, 9-13-24
Civil Air Patrol Group Commander Keith Kluzak talks about the squadron's open house to learn all about what Civil Air Patrol has to offer. The open house will be Tues...
Northfield Hospital + Clinics CEO Steve Underdahl on the hospital's birth center, his retirement, and more
President and CEO of Northfield Hospital + Clinics Steve Underdahl talks about the recognition of the hospital's birth center, budget, the introduction of new digital ...
Senator Tina Smith discusses new rule to ensure mental health care
U.S. Senator Tina Smith discusses the new regulation being put in place by the Biden Administration to help close loopholes and ensure insurance companies are providin...
Angelica Linder on Hispanic Heritage Festival, 9-11-24
Angelica Linder of Northfield Pubic Library and organizer of the Hispanic Heritage Festival to be held Saturday. September 14, provides information about the event. C...
Northfield City Administrator Ben Martig discusses Council Work Session, 9-11-24
Northfield City Administrator Ben Martig talks about the September 10 Council Work Session. Topics include cannabis related ordinance, development at 5th and Washingt...
Dundas City Administrator Jenelle Teppen, 9-10-24
Dundas City Administrator Jenelle Teppen talks the approval of the preliminary tax levy for 2025, a grant received from the state to complete pedestrian crossing, the ...