Jeff Johnson
Jeff Johnson is the owner of KYMN Radio and the Host of The Morning Show.Appears in 815 Episodes
Natalie Draper from Northfield Public Library, 9/6/24
Northfield Public Library Director of Library Services Natalie Draper discusses news at the library including an honorable mention from Library Journal, events for His...
Kelli Podracky. Executive Director of Northfield Union of Youth, 9-4-24
Kelli Podracky. Executive Director of Northfield Union of Youth, talks about youth involvement in several upcoming events.
Northfield Mayor Rhonda Pownell and City Administrator Ben Martig discuss the September 3 City Council Meeting, 9-4-24
Northfield Mayor Rhonda Pownell and City Administrator Ben Martig discuss the September 3 City Council Meeting. Topics include NAFRS annual report, liquor license for ...
Daily News 9/4/2024
Fire Chief Tom Nelson Gives 2023 Report and Shows Overall Positive News for the DepartmentRice County Has Had 2 Fatal Car Accidents in 2024, A decrease from 2023 DJJD ...
KYMN Daily News August 26th, 2024
City issues $10.3 million in bonds for Road and Construction Projects; Northfield School Board Meets Tonight; Rice County First Responders Host Softball Tournament to ...
CC Linstroth from Age Friendly Northfield discusses their latest initiatives
CC Linstroth of Age Friendly Northfield talks about their upcoming Rock Steady Boxing program, and their involvement in local park development to encourage more senior...
Fire Chief Tom Nelson 8/22/2024
Northfield Area Fire and Rescue, Fire Chief Tom Nelson talks the department's budgeting process, fire code enforcement, and the hiring of a new group of firefighters.
City Administrator Ben Martig talks Tuesday's City Council Work Session
Northfield City Administrator Ben Martig goes over the most recent City Council Work Session, where discussion mainly revolved around the city budget.
Anika Rychner and Stephanie Rosario discuss Runway Revival this Thursday
Anika Rychner from the Community Action Center and Stephanie Rosario from Carleton College preview Runway Revival, the CAC's fashion show promoting sustainability bein...
Michael Johnson and Pauline Jennings discuss upcoming events at the NAG
Executive Director and Performing Arts Director of the Northfield Arts Guild Michael Johnson and Pauline Jennings discuss the organization's upcoming shows and events ...
Sue Stout discusses Ruth's House 20th Anniversary
Sue Stout, Outreach Coordinator for Ruth's House in Faribault, talks about the organization's mission of providing assistance to women and children in crisis, and thei...
Northfield Rotary talks the 2024 Family Fun Ride
Representatives from Northfield Rotary discuss the upcoming Family Fun Ride bike tour happening on Saturday, September 7th.
Dr. Hans Bengtson discusses treating student athlete injuries
Orthopedic surgeon from Northfield Hospitals + Clinics Dr. Hans Bengtson talks about his experience working with student athletes and things to look for if an athlete ...
Northfield Shares discusses upcoming Northfield Shares a Dinner event
Representatives from Northfield Shares Carrie Carroll and Sonja Holden talk about their upcoming community Northfield Shares a Dinner event on August 25th, where they ...
Police Chief Mark Elliott on new Chief Jeff Schroepfer and more
Northfield Police Chief Mark Elliott talks flood disaster relief, Defeat of Jesse James Days prep, new Police Chief Jeff Schroepfer starting in September, and more.
Emmett Norrie talks upcoming concert at the NAG and performs in studio
Emmett Norrie discusses his upcoming performance with Emmett Norrie + Friends at the Northfield Arts Guild this Saturday, August 17th, and performs in studio.
Mayor Rhonda Pownell, Mayor Glenn Switzer, and Superintendent Dr. Matt Hillmann discuss the new ice arena
Northfield Mayor Rhonda Pownell, Dundas Mayor Glenn Switzer, and Northfield Public Schools Superintendent Dr. Matt Hillmann discuss their partnership to bring the new ...
Dundas City Administrator Jenelle Teppen, 8-13-24
Dundas City Administrator Jenelle Teppen discusses Oktoberfest and updates on the city's Capital Improvement Plan.
Logan Wells discusses today's Primary Election
Logan Wells, incoming KYMN News Director, talks today's Primary Election and the KYMN Election Guide.