Jeff Johnson
Jeff Johnson is the owner of KYMN Radio and the Host of The Morning Show.Appears in 815 Episodes
Paul Reiland discusses upcoming block party in Elko New Market
Paul Reiland from Johnson-Reiland Homes discusses tomorrow night's block party at Pete's Hill in Elko New Market.
CC Lindsroth discusses Age Friendly Northfield's recent Street Dance and upcoming events
CC Lindsroth of the Age Friendly Northfield Steering Committee recaps the organization's recent Street Dance event, and talks about other local upcoming events.
Northfield Police Chief Mark Elliott and Pastor Dean Swenson discuss Picnic in the Park
Northfield Police Chief Mark Elliott and Pastor Dean Swenson from Hosanna Church discuss the upcoming Picnic in the Park on Monday, July 22nd supporting local first re...
Ben Martig discusses the most recent City Council Work Session
Northfield City Administrator Ben Martig discusses last night's City Council Work Session.
Amanda Gruber discusses Three Links Health Services' 125th Anniversary
Three Links Health Services' Director of Enrichment Amanda Gruber discusses the organization's upcoming 125th anniversary on Thursday, July 18th.
Peter Van Zandt discusses the 2024 Rice County Fair
Rice County Fair manager Peter Van Zandt discusses this year's upcoming fair.
JC Sanford discusses the Northfield Jazz Fest
JC Sanford discusses the Northfield Jazz Fest to be held Sunday, July 14 at Way Park
The Medin Brothers talk about The Backyard Bash
Sean and Daniel Medin and Karsten Singh discuss The Backyard Bash coming October 5 to Nerstrand
Carrie Carroll and Katie Reak Sletten from Northfield Shares 7-10-24
Carrie Carroll and Katie Reak Sletten from Northfield Shares discuss recent endowments in the Community Foundation and the upcoming Community Dinner on Sunday August ...
Northfield Mayor Rhonda Pownell and City Administrator Ben Martig 7-10-24
Northfield Mayor Rhonda Pownell and City Administrator Ben Martig discuss City Council meeting agenda items including road repair; Arts and Culture Commission pursuin...
Dundas City Administrator Jenelle Teppen, 7-9-24
Dundas City Administrator Jenelle Teppen discusses the most recent Dundas City Council meeting.
Superintendent Dr. Matt Hillmann discusses summer updates and the latest School Board meeting
Northfield Superintendent Dr. Matt Hillmann discusses updates to summer projects and the most recent School Board meeting.
Northfield Rotary Club on the 4-Way Taste Festival
Brent Nystrom, Hezekiah Ben Shirnai, and Ken Panko from the Northfield Rotary Club discuss the upcoming 4-Way Taste Festival.
Sean Allen discusses new History of Pizza in Northfield exhibit at Northfield Historical Society
Executive Director of the Northfield Historical Society Sean Allen discusses their new History of Pizza in Northfield exhibit.
Natalie Draper discusses July Events at the Northfield Public Library
Director of Library Services Natalie Draper discusses events happening this month at the Northfield Public Library.