Jeff Johnson
Jeff Johnson is the owner of KYMN Radio and the Host of The Morning Show.Appears in 815 Episodes
KYMN Daily News 6-28-24
Waters receding, but flooding issues will persist; League of Women voters forum reveals differences between candidates
KYMN Daily News, 6-27-24
River drops to 'Minor Flood Stage,' city begins cleanup preparations; County keeping landfill open for extra hours, coordinating volunteer efforts; League of Women Vo...
Rob Ryden and Will Healy discuss live music fest "Wazaroo" 6-27-24
Rob Ryden and Will Healy provide information about the live music fest "Wazaroo" to be held on Saturday, June 29, noon - 9pm at the Wasner Barn.
Northfield Fire Chief Tom Nelson and City Building Official Mike Morehouse, 6-27-24
Northfield Fire Chief Tom Nelson discusses area flooding, and Mike Morehouse, building official for the City of Northfield talks about the importance of obtaining bui...
Professional wrestler Mitch Paradise, 6-26-24
Professional wrestler Mitch Paradise talks about the PCW Championship match to be held Friday, June 28 at The Doublewide Bar in New Market.
Northfield Mayor Rhonda Pownell and Police Chief Mark Elliott , 6-26-24
The Northfield City Council has declared a local emergency due to dangerous flooding in and around the City which opens up funding sources for assistance. Northfield ...
Northfield School Superintendent Dr. Matt Hillmann, 6-25-24
Northfield Superintendent Dr. Matt Hillmann discusses summer programs, maintenance and repair projects, and ongoing bond referendum informational meetings.
Dundas City Administrator, Jenelle Teppen discusses flooding and City Council Meeting, 6-25-24
Dundas City Administrator, Jenelle Teppen discusses Cannon River flooding and City Council Meeting.
KYMN Daily News 6-25-24
Local emergency declared in Northfield; Candidates line up against high property taxes during forum; Reilly says Comp Plan not about changing policies, but 'how thing...
Northfield Community Development Director Jake Reilly, 6-24-25
Northfield Community Development Director Jake Reilly discusses the process for revising the comprehensive plan.
KYMN Daily News 6-24-24
Record setting flood brings damage, concern, federal officials to Northfield; Candidates forum sponsored by Northfield Chamber set for tonight at high school auditorium
The Morning Show - Brianna Lane and Greg Neis talk about the July 20 Northfield Tour de SAVE ride, 6-21-24
Brianna Lane and Greg Neis talk about the July 20 Northfield Tour de SAVE ride, an annual bicycle ride in Northfield supporting the national nonprofit SAVE - Suicide ...
CC Linstroth of Age-Friendly Northfield talks about the Community Street Dance, 6-20-24
CC Linstroth of Age-Friendly Northfield talks about the Community Street Dance to be held on July 13. Visit agefriendlynorthfield.com for more information.
The Morning Show - Brooke Williams, Ken Ewald and Jay Biggs on Stanton Airfield Summer Solstice Celebration and Fly-in, 6-20-24
Brooke Williams, Ken Ewald and Jay Biggs on Stanton Airfield Summer Solstice Celebration and Fly-in
The Morning Show - Northfield Police Chief Mark Elliott 6-20-24
Northfield Police Chief Mark Elliott talks about the recent flooding in the area; announces that the public will have an opportunity to meet candidates for his replac...
KYMN Daily News 6-19-24
City Council approves funding partnership and architect contract, ice arena project moves forward; Public open house to meet new Police Chief finalists set for Tuesda...
The Morning Show - Northfield Mayor Rhonda Pownell and City Administrator Ben Martig, 6-19-24
Northfield Mayor Rhonda Pownell and City Administrator Ben Martig talk about the June 18 City Council meeting. The primary topic was the potential new ice arena.
Pauline Schuster Jennings discusses Northfield Arts Guild events 6-18-24
Pauline Schuster Jennings discusses Northfield Arts Guild events
The Morning Show - Mike Mayer on new book "Ashes to Ashes" 6-18-24
Local author Mike Mayer (pen name M. Stone Mayer) discusses the release of his first book, a thriller titled "Ashes to Ashes." There will be a release party at Immine...
KYMN Daily News 6-17-24
2025 Bridge Square, NCRC Building projects under consideration by City Council; Honors and Awards coming to NH+C; School District Juneteenth celebration free and open...